Can someone please give me some tips to improve my writing? Well...I'm a struggling a little bit with my writing.For example, when I have to answer questions for a job application, I'm turned off. I mean I actually like speaking rather than writing.But, I don't want to skip or budge it. It is a very important and essential part of any language. So I've decided to post a question on italki.
2 de dic. de 2014 17:12
Respuestas · 4
Thank you! to you all.
3 de diciembre de 2014
Use italki's "notebook" feature--it's intended to let people post writing samples for correction. By the way, I think you mean "I don't want to skip or DODGE it." To dodge something means to jump out of the way--to dodge a punch in boxing, for example. To BUDGE something means to move something that is stuck: "I couldn't get the rusty bolt to budge until I put some penetrating oil on it."
2 de diciembre de 2014
2 de diciembre de 2014
I think that a good way to improve your writing is to practice writing. Try to right at least one paragraph every day (ex: a diary). Start writing about something fun and interesting, and then ask some help to revise what you have done.
2 de diciembre de 2014
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