sweet girl
Who has been to old apartment? old apartment?or the nursing home?Elderly people in your country is how to spend their twilight years?
3 de dic. de 2014 7:25
Respuestas · 6
The stereotype is that old people live in nursing homes, but the truth is many elderly in the states do quite fine living on their own. Another option they have is living with their children (My grandpa lives with my Mom)
3 de diciembre de 2014
When people get older and are in good health, in the US they sometimes move to a "retirement community". It's an area with houses, townhouses, and apartments where people live on their own. Often you have to be older than about 60 to live there.
3 de diciembre de 2014
In elder residence for rest of life to chat with so many elders when young people are unable to take care of them because it should be cheaper than to live alone at the similar prices without nursing or medicare.
3 de diciembre de 2014
Also the question. Should be -"where do people people spend thier old age in your country? "
3 de diciembre de 2014
Hi sweet girl, That is known as an old age home. Elderly people in some countries either dtay woth thier family, or on their own or in old age home. It depends on the family. In India they usually stay with thier kids.
3 de diciembre de 2014
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