Vanessa García
I just woke up / I´ve just woken up Which one is correct? I would choose the second one but I have heard many people using the first one. Many thanks :)I would like to know if any native speaker uses "I´ve just woken up". Thanks again.
19 de dic. de 2014 0:59
Respuestas · 4
"Woken up" always jars my ear. I'd say, "I just woke up" or "I've just awakened."
19 de diciembre de 2014
This is one area where American and British English differ. If you have studied British English, you probably learnt that 'just','yet' and 'already' take a present perfect tense. However, American English tends to use the past simple with these words. So, the answer is : either one can be correct, depending on the variety of English you are using.
19 de diciembre de 2014
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