portuguese Is there a difference between these two questions? Cual é seu nome? Cual é o seu nome? Why do they put "o" in one and not the other?
19 de dic. de 2014 15:41
Respuestas · 6
There isn't a difference. And it's "Qual". "Cuál", would be in Spanish.
20 de diciembre de 2014
Dear W.W, firstly, allow me to correct your ortography : "Qual" instead of "Cual" . As regards your question, there is no difference in the meaning, both sentences are gramatically correct, because the use of definite article, in this case: "o" , before the possessive pronoun, in this case "seu" is facultative .
19 de diciembre de 2014
Spelling mistake. It's "qual" in Portuguese. In this case 'o' means 'the', so both sentences are correct, they have the same meaning. In some places in Brazil, people use articles more often.
30 de diciembre de 2014
The 1st sentence is The only one that we use in Portugal. And you have to write "qual" instead of "cual"
28 de diciembre de 2014
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