How much moneis is my coat worth? - is it correct? I think there must be "does" instead "is". I have seen it in my learning app, may be it is not a good app. It is very important. Thanks!
20 de dic. de 2014 14:23
Respuestas · 6
No, your app is fine. 'How much money does my coat worth?' is incorrect, but 'How much money is my coat worth?' is correct. Worth is a property of the coat, you see, so you need to use 'is', in a similar way to 'how big is my coat?' You can just say 'How much is my coat?' and let the listener assume that you're talking about monetary worth. If you were asking how much the coat does something, then you would use the word 'does'. For example: 'How much does my coat smell?' 'How much does my coat cost?'
20 de diciembre de 2014
I think 'How much does the coat cost?' is the true answer. And you mutn't say monies because money is uncountable. Also, 'how much money does my coat worth?' may be true by grammatically but I've never seen this question type.
20 de diciembre de 2014
How much is my coat worth?
20 de diciembre de 2014
Ok friends! I got it , thank you!
20 de diciembre de 2014
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