"First-person shooter video game"的中文怎么说? "First-person shooter video game"的中文怎么说? 谢谢
20 de dic. de 2014 23:29
Respuestas · 5
22 de diciembre de 2014
第一人称射击类游戏 But normally people just call them by the shorthand name of the game, since the variety in games is a bit limited here. For example, there's CS (Counter-Strike, in China pronounced as: Say-Es-Uh) or CF (Crossfire, (Say-Ef-Uh) which is free, so more popular but looks more like a really old CS and Quake clone). Then there's DotA which seems to be popular here. Most people here seem to pronounce it: 倒塔 daota、多塔 duota、都塔 douta (closest to English). But this is a common issue with names of games here. Like, football games, Fifa is the most popular one, but since there's no "Fi" (Fee) sounds in Chinese it becomes Fei. Fifa --> Feifa. Oh, and another popular game atm is World of Tanks (usually WoT in Europe/VS) although they just use the entire Chinese name 坦克世界.
21 de diciembre de 2014
First-person -->第一人稱 shooter -->射擊 video game -->游戲or電玩
21 de diciembre de 2014
对的,FPS 第一人称射击游戏 or 第一人称视角射击游戏
20 de diciembre de 2014
From Wikipedia, I guess it's 第一人称射击游戏.
20 de diciembre de 2014
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