Sarapan Nasi Goreng
how to say 'copy' and 'paste' in Arabic language? Please give me an example too.
25 de dic. de 2014 1:32
Respuestas · 5
copy / نسخ paste / لصق example for copy : he copied the answer. / هو نسخ الإجابة paste it there. / إلصق الورقة هناك
25 de diciembre de 2014
Paste could also mean معجون معجون اسنان ( tooth paste ) Copy also could mean صورة / نسخة اريد نسخة اخري من هذا الملف ( I want another copy from this file ) so copy it could be use as verb as Salem explain , and it could be use as noun as I've already explained
25 de diciembre de 2014
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