Did I use these words( erode,wither,invincible,light hearted) correctly ? He becomes a light-hearted, after he finished his exams. He thought that he's invincible, but they beat him from the first round . Look, how these flowers were get withered ! The door is starting to erode . Thank you in advance .
26 de dic. de 2014 19:46
Respuestas · 4
He becomes a light-hearted PERSON / He's being light-hearted, after... He thought that he WAS invincible (according to your sentence) Look, how these flowers ARE withered. The door has been eroding. I think these are more accurate :) Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
26 de diciembre de 2014
He becomes a light-hearted PERSON / He's being light-hearted, after... He thought that he WAS invincible (according to your sentence) Look, how these flowers ARE withered. The door has been eroding. I think these are more accurate :) Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
26 de diciembre de 2014
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