I'm alone,and very boring.
27 de dic. de 2014 10:17
Respuestas · 4
Sorry to hear that, I know what lonlisess feels like, but seldom I feel bored. Do you enjoy reading? What about listening to VERY INTERESTING talks (conferences) ? Some of them also have subtitles in Chinese. This is my suggestion to kill boredom and to know something new: . Hope I have been helpful. Happy New Year!
27 de diciembre de 2014
Do everything to gain something from it and not only for fun
27 de diciembre de 2014
You can watch a movie or some episodes of a TVseries, so you wouldn't be bored anymore, in addition your knowledge of English would be improved.
27 de diciembre de 2014
You mean very bored, the action is boring but you are bored. Unless you are actually boring, I have no idea...
27 de diciembre de 2014
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