한국인의 호칭 In some Korean dramas, i heard the girl calling the boy who is older 형. So i am wondering since it should be 오빠
27 de dic. de 2014 16:39
Respuestas · 4
형 means the same as 선배 in this case. It is not rare for a female junior to call a male senior as 형 instead of 선배 or 오빠 in Korean colleges.
28 de diciembre de 2014
I have seen some dramas, Did We Really Love (in which Bae Yong Joon is a main actor), a female junior call a male senior by 형
28 de diciembre de 2014
haha have you seen "Good Doctors"? Yea it should be 오빠
27 de diciembre de 2014
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