99 what is the meaning of? When I say 88(means goodbye) to a friend who is from malaysia replied 99
28 de dic. de 2014 0:01
Respuestas · 6
Its the number before 100
28 de diciembre de 2014
They might have used 99 to mean "night night".
28 de diciembre de 2014
I think it means help.
28 de diciembre de 2014
If you include the sentence where you saw it, we'll better be able to tell you what definition you're dealing with.
28 de diciembre de 2014
I'm obviously too old to know what 马先生 is suggesting about the 'unsuitable' meaning of '99', but I do know about the ice cream. It's vanilla ice cream in a cornet, with a stick of flakey chocolate.
28 de diciembre de 2014
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