How to tell if it's active verb or passive verb in constructions like these "Не все вещи в мире покупаются и продаются" According to my textbook the verbs in the sentence above are in active voice "Фильм снимается известным режиссёром" And this is in passive voice But to me they are all passive, could you help me understand how to see this in a correct angle Thanks for your attention
29 de dic. de 2014 13:11
Respuestas · 13
(Some addition) - If you see "-ся" on the end of the verb it means "себя", "self". And this also mark a passive: "радовать" (somebody) - active; "радоваться" - passive
29 de diciembre de 2014
They all in passive: things can't buy or sell itselves ;))) - as the movies can not make the movie
29 de diciembre de 2014
I see all these verbs as passive, but it is also possible to see the verbs in the first sentence as reflexive verbs, because the actor is not named ("they sell themselves"). The actor in the second auestion is known (режиссер) and maybe this is why your book says the verb is in the passive voice. The passive voice and reflexive verbs used to create it make it really very complicated. I hope it helps...
29 de diciembre de 2014
yes , here is passive voice of verbs, because- movie is made by -- фильм снимается кем-то- it shows that action is made under the subject of this sentence -movie ( by a famous producer) if it would be - известный режисер снимает фильм - it would show that a producer makes movie- subject ( producer ) makes this action himself , but not under him Не знаю как получилось обяснить , но старался.
29 de diciembre de 2014
The both sentences are passive. If the first sentence were active, it would sound so: Все фильмы покупают и продают (But movies can't buy or sell). The second is also passive, because the movie is shot by the famous director.
29 de diciembre de 2014
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