Is the phrase Encantat used frequently to say pleased to meet you? We are hosting a session for people from different parts of the world where they will explore Barcelona. I'm curious if Catalonians use the word "Encantat" in regular conversation. We are hoping to title the presentation "Encantat, Barcelona!" Would that make sense if we want to say "Pleased to meet you, Barcelona"?
1 de feb. de 2015 21:59
Respuestas · 2
Yes, we do. It makes totally sense or even better "Encantat de conèixer-te, Barcelona!!" = "Pleased to meet you, Barcelona!!"
1 de febrero de 2015
Exactly: "Encantat de conèixer-te, Barcelona!!" = "Pleased to meet you, Barcelona!!"
23 de febrero de 2015
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