kamus ENG/INDO - INDO/ENG yang mana bagus? I'm looking for a reliable online dictionary for Indonesian/English. I found sederet.com and kamus.net, but I found that they were not very accurate and often just gave literal translations (like Google Translate)
3 de feb. de 2015 12:54
Respuestas · 4
If you are looking an online translator, well that's all you can get I think. Personally, i never trust online translator to translate my script or writing. It will never be precise. For single word, yes it is accurate. But for sentences or phrases, never use online translator. I suggest that you use the printed dictionary. So far, i use the one by: John M.Echols and Hassan Shadily, published by PT Gramedia Jakarta, Many academics refer to this dictionary because it's the best we can find here.
6 de febrero de 2015
Ja du hast recht.. Es wäre besser, wenn du ein Wörterbuch indonesisch bei playstore herunterlädst :)
3 de febrero de 2015
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