How do I say these things in Gujarati How would I (a female) say these things in Gujarati (I keep finding different answers to these questions, which is very confusing): I love you/ I love you very much/I love you forever or i will always love you. I miss you/ I miss you very much/ I have missed you/ I will miss you Thank you/ Thank you very much. Please explain the breakdown of each word and if it's formal or informal. Also tell me if it's past tense, present tense, or future tense. Thanks very much! I had to label this Hindi because Gujarati was not an option. But if you wish to also show me the Hindi translation, I would appreciate the extra knowledge.
14 de feb. de 2015 3:33
Respuestas · 1
There is no Difference If Female Use this Or Male I love you હું તને પ્રેમ કરું છું I Love you very much હું તને ખુબજ પ્રેમ કરું છું
23 de diciembre de 2020
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