Craig Hall
Necesito ayuda ¿Como traduzca lo siguente en ingles? ¿La sociedad del Siglo de Oro vivía apegada al tiempo? Como siempre, gracias por su ayuda.
26 de feb. de 2015 22:54
Respuestas · 4
I'll take a stab at it: (I presume you're referring to the Spanish Golden Age): Two possible options: Did society of the Spanish Golden Age live according to the times? Was society of the Spanish Gold Age living according to the times? More context would help understand the nature of the question and confirm, but that's my take on in. Saludos y mucha suerte!
27 de febrero de 2015
Sorry, typo in the second option: Was society of the Spanish Golden Age living according to the times?
27 de febrero de 2015
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