What do yo do in your birthday? My birthday is near. So I'd like to do something especial, but not holding a party. Could you recommend me something new?
27 de feb. de 2015 9:00
Respuestas · 3
ha, my birthday is also near. I will have a big dinner to make stomach happy, then have some challenge to make the day special.(For instance, a long hiking, a speech, a drawing). But most important is to be happy on that special day.
28 de febrero de 2015
In my area tradition, eating an egg is a "must do" thing on birthday. 诞(诞生) same meaning like 蛋。which means WAS BORN.
21 de marzo de 2015
ha, my birthday is also near. I will have a big dinner to make stomach happy, then have some challenge to make the day special.(For instance, a long hiking, a speech, a drawing). But most important is to be happy on that special day.
28 de febrero de 2015
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