Do you think the full moon affects people? Can it change someones personality?
6 de mar. de 2015 9:59
Respuestas · 7
Noooo! Noooo! Oooowooo!
6 de marzo de 2015
I dont think so, but, that may be psychological in my opinion
12 de marzo de 2015
Some people believe that during the full moon they fell different and strong emotions. I think this is true because when there is a full moon I see people who are very nervous, they don't want to speak, wait and their behovior changes very much. (Thank you for all answers.)
8 de marzo de 2015
I work as a nurse and some of my coworkers think that we will be busier if the moon is full!
7 de marzo de 2015
This is life, not science fiction, so no, definitely not.
6 de marzo de 2015
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