Please, check my sentences. These sentences are in story about my experience that I had a brush with death. 1. While sliding down from the slope, I fell so hardly as even a ski pole was bent. 2. As for me, who overcame life-threatening situations at an early age, I usually challenge with 'do or die', whenever obstacles, as mentioned above, appear 3. You who are better than me can surely do what humble 13-year-old kid did.It happened in ski resort.
28 de mar. de 2015 8:56
Respuestas · 5
1. While sliding down from the slope, I fell so hard that even bent a ski pole. 2. As for me, who overcame many life-threatening situations at an early age, I usually meet challenges with a 'do or die' attitude, for example, whenever difficult situations as mentioned above, appear 3. Surely you who are better than me can do what humble 13-year-old kid has done (not incorrect, but this is more natural)
28 de marzo de 2015
1. While skiing down the slope, I fell so hard that I even bent a ski pole. 2. As for me, who overcame life-threatening situations at an early age, I usually take on challenges with a 'do or die' attitude, whenever obstacles such as those mentioned above appear. 3. You, who are better than I, can surely do what a humble 13-year-old kid did.
28 de marzo de 2015
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