Tammy 青心
Can you tell me your ways to improve your speaking skill? In my opinion, Speaking is very important in studying English but it's a difficult skill as well. I once met a lot of people who were not able to speak in my English classes and I sometimes have problems about speaking with everybody. Therefore I wish to know how you improve your speaking skill and overcome your problems in speaking English. Many thanks for your help
30 de mar. de 2015 17:43
Respuestas · 5
Well, I know that this will sound a little crazy, but what best works for me is reading and speaking aloud to yourself. I guess that the hearing of your own voice makes you notice the mistakes that you are probably making.
5 de abril de 2015
The best way to improve is praticing everyday, listening and talking!
30 de marzo de 2015
Speak yourself its best way to improve your english
30 de marzo de 2015
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