Having, receiving or welcoming...? My friends came over, so I was... ...receiving my friends at home? ...welcoming my friends at home? ...having my friends at home? Thank you.
31 de mar. de 2015 1:13
Respuestas · 6
I think the most natural way to say it would be, "I had my friends over" or "I invited my friends over." I think the first two of your examples (receiving and welcoming) are fine, but sound a bit formal.
31 de marzo de 2015
All three are used in English today. I would also say in my home.
31 de marzo de 2015
The Queen 'receives' visitors - most of us wouldn't use that term. Welcome friend TO your home, and have friends over, or have friends around are also possible.
31 de marzo de 2015
Thanks for posting question!
31 de marzo de 2015
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