Hi, how would be correctly to say "I want to increase my English speaking ability". Tell me please about another ways to say this phrase. Or just correct me :)
31 de mar. de 2015 5:36
Respuestas · 5
The only word you need to change is "increase". "I want to improve my English speaking ability." A couple of other things... Don't ever use "wanna" in regular writing. It's the most obvious way of showing that you are a non-native speaker. Look at how native English speakers write on italki, and you'll see we simply don't use "wanna"! :) Also, the verb "to be" takes adjectives, not adverbs. "Be correct", and "say correctly".
31 de marzo de 2015
Hi, what would be the right way to say, "I want to be able to speak English better"?
31 de marzo de 2015
I want to improve my ability to communicate verbally in English.
31 de marzo de 2015
You can say (I want to improve my english)
31 de marzo de 2015
I wanna improve my oral English.
31 de marzo de 2015
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