Antonio Oliveira
How is the difference between borrow and lend verbs? I've very problem when to use borrow or lend verbs. Someone could I help me with this problem?
1 de abr. de 2015 17:11
Respuestas · 6
Loan words can often be very confusing and difficult to understand. I think, unfortunately, the best way to get a grasp of them would be to memorize them and use them with repetition. whenever you come across a word you have difficulty with, feel free to post it here and we can help you understand it. Hope this helps :)
1 de abril de 2015
Hi Antonio. This is how you question should be: What is the difference between the verbs 'borrow' and 'lend'? I have a lot of problems about when to use the verbs 'borrow' and 'lend'. Could someone help me with this problem? ............... Here's an answer: The difference between 'borrow' and 'lend' is exactly the same as the difference between 'give' and 'take'. Let's say that you have a book which I want to read. If I BORROW a book from you, I TAKE your book for a short time. If you LEND me your book, you GIVE your book to me for a short time. I hope that helps.
1 de abril de 2015
They are opposites of one another. They are often used in terms of money. To Borrow: To take something, and later return it. Casually, this is very often used as "can I borrow [item]?". To Lend: To give something, and later receive it. Ex. "Hey John, can I borrow five bucks?" Ex. "I lent Oscar five dollars, but he hasn't paid me back for a week!" Ex. "I went to the bank to borrow money for a car." Ex. "Hey, can I borrow an apple?" (The person borrowing probably does not intend to return the apple in this case.) Ex. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be = Do not lend or borrow money" (from Shakespeare's Hamlet)
1 de abril de 2015
They are opposite sides of the transaction: I borrow something from you. You lend something to me,.
1 de abril de 2015
Thank for answers and sorry the mistakes of writing.
1 de abril de 2015
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