What difference between hi, hello and hallo? I understand hallo is informal form of hello, so hallo=hi?
2 de abr. de 2015 20:25
Respuestas · 3
'Hello' and 'hallo' are the same word. 'Hallo' is simply an alternative way of writing 'hello'. It's quite old-fashioned and rarely used these days. Nowadays, almost everyone writes it 'hello'. German has an equivalent word 'Hallo', by the way, which is used the same way. 'Hi' is a more casual and informal version of 'Hello'. In the past, it was mainly an American greeting, but now it is used worldwide.
2 de abril de 2015
the only difference between "hi" and "hello" is that "hi" is more of a casual greeting. as for hallo... iv actually never seen hallo... learn something everyday i guess! haha.
2 de abril de 2015
Hi Hallo
25 de feb. de 2024 22:00
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