my friends, could you please tell me the meaning of the each words and 2 my friends, could you please tell me the meaning of the each words and make a simple sentence with every words? 1_操心 2_初级 3_错误 4_得意 5_独特 6_仿佛 7_复印 8_负责 9_高档 10_鸽子
20 de abr. de 2015 6:51
Respuestas · 4
1_操心 be worried about sb. or sth. 2_初级 elementary 3_错误 mistake 4_得意 complacent 5_独特 special 6_仿佛 like, seem like 7_复印 copy 8_负责 in charge of 9_高档 high class, top grade, top gear 10_鸽子 pigeon
20 de abril de 2015
thanks so much!
22 de abril de 2015
20 de abril de 2015
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