How can I say ... I, You, He/She, We, They in japanese ?
21 de abr. de 2015 13:08
Respuestas · 5
Thank you guy, I watch this link.
22 de abril de 2015
In my opinion, for the beginners, remembering them with particles would be better because "I, my, me, mine" all have "watashi" in their translations. So, "I" = watashi wa / watashi ga, with "ha" or "ga". I think these two particles will confuse you but please get accustomed to them little by little. (Please take a look at this, Good luck!
22 de abril de 2015
Aligato gosaymachita
21 de abril de 2015
21 de abril de 2015
I:わたし(watashi) You:あなた(anata) He:かれ(kare) She:かのじょ(kanojyo) We:わたしたち(watashitachi) You-plural:あなたたち(anatatachi)
21 de abril de 2015
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