André Almeida
Questions about some sentences 1. Up to a certain point because I am not a native speaker too.‏ Is there another word that fit itself better than "Up to"? 2. You did not tell me what you usually drink at breakfast‏. Is the use of "at" correct? 3. Do you think of participating? Do you think to participate? Are both of senteces above correct? 4. A little weird by signal‏. Is the use of "by" correct? 5. A while back then I improved a little. Do you use "A while back then"? Which word would you recommend me in replace this one?
26 de abr. de 2015 17:05
Respuestas · 10
1) I'm not sure what the first sentence means. What are you trying to say? 2) ... drink for breakfast. 3) Do you think about participating? Are you thinking about participating? 4) I don't know what the sentence means. What are you trying to say? 5) No, you wouldn't use "then". A while back, I improved a little. A while ago, I improved a little.
26 de abril de 2015
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