where to start? I know some things in English but not enough, I'm so excited I want learn English but I don't know where to start. My writing and reading comprehension is so so, but I'm a desaster talking or hearing, thinking on talk with someone it makes me nervous. Really, I want learn!
5 de may. de 2015 1:56
Respuestas · 5
you could listen to some shows that are in English to get use to hearing the language or you can record your self talking and if you want to learn vocabulary i suggest that you use this website called memirise
5 de mayo de 2015
You can talk to me. I'm patient. I understand how speaking insn't easy. My spanisih isn't so good.
5 de mayo de 2015
If you watch TV shows with subtitles it really helps understand. Also when you talk on Skype it helps a LOT
5 de mayo de 2015
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