is there friendly expression to some has a good time is there an expression we can say it when we see our friend have a good time or get something cool ( like i want to say .. how lucky u are .. or i envy you ... something like that also expression opposite to that like how miserable is that i hear alote in drama like jokda .. im not sure
5 de may. de 2015 6:05
Respuestas · 2
주말 잘 보내세요 means have a good weekend :)
6 de mayo de 2015
If you really want to say "I envy you" in that exact same way, to a friend of course, then you could probably say: 널 부러워해! or 널 질투해! which both essentially mean "I envy you". But if you want to say something in the lines of "Good for you", you could say: 잘됐군요 or 그거 좋겠어. 굿럭~^^
5 de mayo de 2015
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