Does it sound strange? "I have to bone up on English as I want to pass this exam with flying colours" I just wonder if 'bone up on' is used in this context. Or it's better to say "cram" Thank you for your answer!
23 de may. de 2015 4:14
Respuestas · 4
Hi! To answer your question, I don't think I've every heard "bone up" as an expression before and cannot see myself ever using it, so I would definitely use "cram" instead. Perhaps it is a regional expression?
23 de mayo de 2015
"bone up" is perfectly correct. You can find examples of its use here: "cram" is to study something intensively at the last moment, for example, just before a test:
23 de mayo de 2015
They are not exactly synonymous. Cram - suggests last minute preparation Bone up - more considered and planned learning
23 de mayo de 2015
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