Jennifer 高枫
He's such a jerk? What does the sentence mean: He's such a jerk! When do you use it? Thanks!
28 de may. de 2015 14:07
Respuestas · 8
Your ex boyfriend ;)
30 de mayo de 2015
It means that he's really mean. Exact dictionary translation: a contemptible obnoxious person. "He's so mean!" can be changed to, "He's such a jerk!" Hope that helped...
28 de mayo de 2015
It means that the man is unpleasant, rude, inconsiderate, or anything else that is negative. You use it to describe someone you don't like.
28 de mayo de 2015
Whenever a friend says something to you teasingly and you would reply "讨厌!" it often is also fitting to say, "You're such a jerk." My friends and I use this phrase all the time when teasing each other.
18 de junio de 2015
I suggest you don't use this expression... it's very impolite. Maybe the man (or woman) is a jerk, but that does not mean that you have to be impolite. You could simply say "He/She is not polite / He/She is impolite". Just my suggestion...
28 de mayo de 2015
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