Do YoU bElEiVe In LoVe?
31 de ago. de 2008 19:56
Respuestas · 5
Of course I believe in love, without it a person's soul withers & dies.
1 de septiembre de 2008
Oh yeah I do believe in love - and in love absence, too... "I trust the sun, even when it does not shine I trust love, even when I do not feel it I trust God, even when He does not speak." (this was found in Ausschwitz concentration camp, written in Yiddish on a wall - I've always loved it even if I'm an atheist)
31 de agosto de 2008
sure..No life without love
3 de septiembre de 2008
yes i really believe in love because i am the result of the love of my parent
1 de septiembre de 2008
Yes I do believe in love. Love is the main reason to continous here, being someone to help the world
31 de agosto de 2008
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