Andres Felipe
How do you say "I love you" in Arabic? I want to the name of my girlfriend + I love you in Arabic. She doesn`t know arabic, but I think that will be special for her.
1 de jun. de 2015 16:07
Respuestas · 8
"I love you" for a female in Arabic is: أُحبكِ, so you should say: ana auhibbuki + her name. E.g.: ana auhibbuki Ann, or you can even say: auhibbuki Ann.
1 de junio de 2015
بحبك bhbek
2 de junio de 2015
أَنا أُحِبُّكِ = I love you (ana uhibbuki) You can say : Your girlfriend's name + أَنا أُحِبُّكِ Or : أَنا أُحِبُّكِ يا (ana uhibbuki ya ) + your girlfriend's name
1 de junio de 2015
انا أحبك ^^
4 de junio de 2015
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