Are these sentences right? At the party everybody was overcome by drink. He jumped out of the car while it was on the go. I slept at my friend’s yesterday. I have no intention of marrying her.
3 de jun. de 2015 19:20
Respuestas · 8
At the party everyone was drunk. Drunk in this sentence means to be intoxicated. This would be more common in US English. He jumped out of the car while it was moving. This would be more common in US English.
3 de junio de 2015
British English would be the same as what CJ said,
3 de junio de 2015
not formally,just between your friends it would be OK, but if you write an academic paragraph or something i think it wont work.
3 de junio de 2015
Thank you for your assistance
3 de junio de 2015
3 de junio de 2015
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