How do you say "draw" in Japanese? As in drawing pictures, making art.
24 de jun. de 2015 1:44
Respuestas · 9
【Verbs】 draw (pictures) 描く・画く えがく egaku (かく kaku is also OK) write (words) 書く かく kaku 【Nouns】 drawing 素描 そびょう sobyou       ドローイング dorooingu (a loan word from English)       デッサン dessan (a loan word from French) oil painting 油絵 あぶらえ aburae         油画 ゆが yuga watercolor painting 水彩画 すいさいが suisaiga illustration イラスト irasuto creating 制作 せいさく seisaku drawing pictures 絵を描くこと e wo kaku koto
24 de junio de 2015
書く(かく)doesn't really mean draw or paint..Really the only meaning you can associate it with is "to write". 描く(えがく)is better when you want to say "to paint", "to draw", or "to sketch".
24 de junio de 2015
We say: 絵を描く and it's read in two ways, えをかく and えをえがく but I would use the first one with 絵を. 描く is more used in the sentence like この絵は (someone)によってえがかれたももです (= This picture is drawn by (someone).) I think in Japanese, we don't distinguish "to draw" and "to paint" very much though I'm not very sure. I hope this was helpful.
24 de junio de 2015
It's 書く 「かく」
24 de junio de 2015
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