How does the time change work on the schedule of the teacher? I looked at my teacher's schedule and changed the time zone at the bottom to MY time zone. Is the teacher's schedule converted so I am selecting time slots from the point of view of my time since I changed to my time zone? We had a schedule mis-understanding and a missed session because when I selected a time slot with the time zone set to my time it was still the teacher's time zone? She is in Italy. Chiara Callimacci Can you help? Scott Kim USA
30 de jun. de 2015 18:04
Respuestas · 1
Yes, you should see everything in your time (that's the point of setting your time zone after all). Italki also sends you an e-mail reminder shortly before the session begins, the start time is given in your local time there too.
30 de junio de 2015
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