Help needed! I have no idea how to fill the gap (( I'll be really grateful for your help! Anne hadn't set .......to cause such a disturbance among her colleages.
4 de jul. de 2015 11:57
Respuestas · 6
Anne hadn't set out to cause such a disturbance among her colleagues.
4 de julio de 2015
Hi, i'm not sure a bout it but maybe you can fill it up in this way to say had'nt set a trap to...set a trap means to invent a plan to catch someone who did something wrong, or maybe set her mind/sights/heart on doing something that means to be determind on doing or acheiving something. If you use the second one it could make sence better than first one. she didnt cuase troubles for her colleags on porpuse.
4 de julio de 2015
i can help you
4 de julio de 2015
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