Abd El malik
What is the difference between everyone and everybody?
4 de jul. de 2015 21:51
Respuestas · 4
There is no difference. They have exactly the same meaning. Everyone = everybody No one = nobody Anyone = anybody Someone = somebody. You can use either word in any context. As native speakers, we use them interchangeably without even noticing. We simply use whichever word sounds best in the particular sentence we're saying.
4 de julio de 2015
I feel the opposite, Julia. Haha.
5 de julio de 2015
I agree with the previous answer. I would only add that anybody feels more casual and is more common in spoken English whereas anyone would be us used in more formal writing.
4 de julio de 2015
مفيش فرق نفس الشيء بقى
4 de julio de 2015
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