Italian grammar - Help! How do I transform the following 2 sets of words: Noi portiamo/le riviste/a voi Voi comprate/i libri/a noi? as in the following example: Regalo/la cravatta/a te = Te la regalo I'm getting confused how to use me, te, ce, ve
6 de jul. de 2015 20:31
Respuestas · 2
a te → ti ti + la (la cravatta) → te la te la regalo a voi → vi vi + le (le riviste) → ve le ve le portiamo a noi → ci ci + li (i libri) → ce li ce li comprate
6 de julio de 2015
Hi Crystal, the pronouns 'me, te, ce, ve' are simply the indirect pronouns 'mi, ti, ci, vi' (as DonHolgo clearly explained) that changes the 'i' in 'e' when they meet the direct pronouns 'lo, la, li, le' and the particella 'ne'.
6 de julio de 2015
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