What are the names of the parts of a guitar in Indonesian? Nut Bridge String Neck Body Fretboard Fret Scale Pickups Other terms: Pick Fingerstyle Capo Note Pitch Tune (to tune a guitar) Chord Chord progression Thanks!
11 de jul. de 2015 18:43
Respuestas · 5
Nut = kepala fret Bridge = jembatan String = senar gitar Neck =stang gitar Body = bodi gitar Fretboard = neck = stang gitar Fret = fret Scale = skala / jarak Pickups = spul gitar Other terms: Pick = pemetik/ pick Fingerstyle = fingerstyle Capo= kapo Note = not Pitch = nada Tune (to tune a guitar) = stem / menyetem Chord = kunci gitar / akord gitar Chord progression = progresi kunci gitar / Thanks!
12 de julio de 2015
Wow this is another great way to improve my English, I find it difficult to follow instruction in English when I learn guitar, I don't know what they want me to do unless they show it. Just unfamiliar with the words
10 de enero de 2016
Thanks Lea, I will check out the link.
11 de julio de 2015
I'm not sure that we (Ind.) have the indonesian name, cause we adopted many other countries language. for your answer maybe u can open this link and check out the "bagian gitar".
11 de julio de 2015
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