how would you say this Context: Your dad has a gift of painting, so do you. Is it natural to say that you really inherited the gift of painting from your dad? is it natural to say the gift of painting?or painting gift? Thank you!
12 de jul. de 2015 3:55
Respuestas · 6
I was also confused. 'Gift for' is what you should say. Otherwise it can seem like you have a painting that was gifted. 'I inherited a gift for painting from my dad' is OK.
12 de julio de 2015
It took me a while to understand what you were asking, but i finally got it :p You would/could say "I inherited my painting skills from my dad." or "My painting skills come from my dad." or "I'm gifted in painting because of my dad." any of those work in formal and informal settings.
12 de julio de 2015
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