who knows Russian writers, poets ? Hello, my name is Daniel. Now I'll show you an excerpt of the poem of the famous Russian poet. The name of the poem Winter evening. Storm covers the sky conceals, Swirls of snow twisting; So, like a beast, it howl, That cry like a child, That on the roof dilapidated Suddenly a rustle in the straw, The way the traveler belated, We were knocking on the window.Please, think about who wrote this poem of Russian poets
12 de jul. de 2015 9:37
Respuestas · 3
I like Esenin´s poems.
18 de julio de 2015
Буря мглою небо кроет, Вихри снежные крутя. То как зверь она завоет, То заплачет как дитя...and so on
12 de julio de 2015
The greatest Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin did.
12 de julio de 2015
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