What is this name meaning? I want to know what is the meaning of this name Li Wei Yi ? and what is first name and last name?
28 de jul. de 2015 15:39
Respuestas · 14
You will need to show the hanzi to get the meaning of a name. Li will be the last name.
28 de julio de 2015
First, where did you get this name? In China or Japan, last name comes the first but in English speaking country, this name will probably be Liwei Yi. There's also a last name Yi in Chinese. If you can't get the Hanzi then you don't know which character it is, and hence the meaning of it. Yes, then you can only make guesses or match randomly.
28 de julio de 2015
First name is WeiYi,Last name is Li. Sometime Chinese name don't have a practical means. This name meaning slight water wave.
28 de julio de 2015
29 de julio de 2015
李唯一 and this is hanzi
29 de julio de 2015
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