Please correct these sentences 1. I have request to you. Please look after my baby while I will participate in the bike race. 2. He portrayed Ann very old, so it unnerved her very much. 3. He spread cows. It is not merely to give him money, but also he gets a pleasure doing that. 4. It was fiction, that a wasp stung me, I wouldn't be so resilient now, if it was true. 5. Tom is so coy. He never approach to Ann and tell her something. 6. Why do you punish your kid? - Because he is very resourceful, he found candy bar and ate it all. 7. A wizard have to be resilient always, because he can work wonders and help himself. 8. Fish teem in this lake, so the surface has a small waves. 9. Survey showed that women appreciate loyalty more than men. 10. Pregnant women sometimes faint.
30 de jul. de 2015 8:21
Respuestas · 6
Okay Yljaha, here we go: 1. I have a request for you. Please look after my baby while I will participate in the bike race. 2. He portrayed Ann as very old, which unnerved her very much. 3. He spread cows. It is not merely to give him money, but it also gives him pleasure. (I am sorry, I really do not understand this sentence. I have changed the last part to be grammatically correct, but what is "to spread cows?") 4. It was fiction, that a wasp stung me, I wouldn't be so resilient now, if it was true. 5. Tom is so coy. He never approaches Ann and tell her anything. 6. Why did you punish your kid? - Because he is very resourceful, he found a candy bar and ate it all. (The only problem is that "resourceful" is always very positive, and probably not linked to punishment. You would say "he is very naughty/cheeky" or something similar). 7. A wizard has to be resilient always, because he can work wonders and help himself. (Why does resilience help here?) 8. Fish teem in this lake, so the surface has small waves. 9. A survey showed that women appreciate loyalty more than men. 10. Pregnant women sometimes faint.
30 de julio de 2015
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