How do you use "wo oshiete kudasai"? Can you give me eexamples of situations where this phrase would be useful?
29 de ago. de 2015 2:06
Respuestas · 4
おなまえをおしえてください。(Please tell me / let me know your name.) (name)さんのメールアドレスをおしえてください。(Please tell me (name)'s e-mail address.) このかんじのよみかたをおしえてください。(Please teach / tell me how to read this kanji.) このことばのいみをおしえてください。(Please teach / tell me the meaning of this word / phrase.) このことばのえいやくをおしえてください。(Please teach / tell me the English translation of this word / phrase.) *The translations I wrote are literal ones. I hope this was helpful.
29 de agosto de 2015
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