lr L
What's the difference between "I'll do sth." and ' I'll be doing sth." For this sentence "I'll be doing some back and forth between here and Mexico." why doesn't the author use " I'll do some back and forth between here and Mexico"
29 de ago. de 2015 9:49
Respuestas · 3
Both sentences are correct, Something to understand - Will which is implied with (I'll - I Will) is a modal verb and requires another verb to make sense - example I will do/ I'll do homework -vs- I will homework / I'll homework i'll (I will) do - refers to a present/future action that occurs alongside another - for example "I'll do the washing while I wait for the postman" i'll (I will) be doing - refers to a future action such as - I am unable to meet you later as I'll be doing my homework. So in short, "do" suggests present, "doing" suggests future Hope it helps :)
29 de agosto de 2015
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