How could we distinguish if it has been used two reflexive verbs in a row (for example with "se")? For example, I want to translate two phrases to Czech: I try to learn. I try to teach. As far as I know it would be both translated as: Snažím se učit. So how could I know what is the meaning? Thank you in advance
29 de ago. de 2015 18:51
Respuestas · 8
Actually, there is a difference. :) In the first sentence you'd have to use the reflexive pronoun twice. It is perfectly fine, because the first "se" is a part of the verb that is conjugated (snažit se -> snažím se; it is therefore in the 2nd position in a sentence, as you know it) and the 2nd "se" is a part of the infinitive "učit se". I try to learn. Snažím se učit se. I try to teach. Snažím se učit.
29 de agosto de 2015
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