login 1.You log in with your account or via or with your account 2.Your documents have been sent out by the express company or via express company. PS: Is it called express company?
1 de sep. de 2015 1:06
Respuestas · 3
Also learn the phrase "by courier". Use "by courier" and not "by the express company".
1 de septiembre de 2015
You log in with your account. You can send documents by or via express Mail. By or via is fine.
1 de septiembre de 2015
1. You log in with your account 2. 'sent by' and 'sent via' are both correct. "Send via" is a more formal and technical phrase that implies sending something through a particular channel or medium, such as courier or email. 3. Yes. it is called an express company.
11 de noviembre de 2023
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