What is wanna? Hello! Sandra have a song. The song called is Johnny wanna live. In this sentence (wanna) in past or present? Can I change this word to want? I can not find this word in dictionary. Thanks in advance.
4 de sep. de 2015 21:48
Respuestas · 2
It's present, and means "wants to". However... The singer and writer is not a native English speaker, and to be honest I don't think a native speaker would ever use a phrase like that. The reason you don't find "wanna" in your dictionary is that it isn't a word. It's a slurred way of saying "want to/want a". Don't use it in writing, and be very careful about using it in speech. Just use "want to" and you'll have no problems.
4 de septiembre de 2015
"Wanna"="Wants to"
4 de septiembre de 2015
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