pek, peki can you explain (also wit example) the meaning of pek, peki thank you!
12 de oct. de 2015 1:04
Respuestas · 6
I've also seen 'pek' used before an adjective in place of 'çok' once in a great while. For example, Yediğimiz yemek pek güzel değildi ama karnımız çok acıkmıştı. (The food we ate wasn't very good/nice, but we were very hungry.) Native Turkish speakers, please correct if I am wrong =)
12 de octubre de 2015
Peki means all right, okay, OK; well; well then Pek means very much, a lot, quite, fairly, rather, very
12 de octubre de 2015
peki means its okay pek means too but we dont usually use pek
12 de octubre de 2015
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